Do you find yourself feeling left-out? Uninformed? Confused as to the state of things? You’re not alone. For the past few weeks millions of race fans have found themselves afflicted with...
Jayski Withdrawal
Are you suffering from Jayski Withdrawal? Here are some of the symptoms:
—Wondering about Silly Season and feeling paralyzed as to where to go.
—Uncontrollable rage towards ESPN.
—Scanning AP reports hoping for a spelling error.
—Looking longingly at the “J” key on your keyboard.
There are several treatment plans for Jayski Withdrawal—bookmarking other reputable sites, watching RaceHub and Nascar America, and such. The afflicted are warned not to try synthetic Jayski substitutes like Reddit or Twitter without having received their BS-vaccination first. Also, please resist all urges to move to Cape May Court House, NJ.
Together, we can fight these symptoms and win.