Spade Racing Opens a Box of 2024 Donruss Cards, Pack 6 of 24

PACK 6: Awesome Bill, he wins his fill, and a winning will.

FIRST LOOK: Nice to see Bill Elliott, but kind of an odd choice of picture here, considering his lack of success in the 94 car.  Not to mention the bizarre removal of logos from both cars here.  And the border colors not really matching.  Did someone at Donruss have a bit too much whiskey?

TO THE BACK: 12 seasons with 2 or more wins is pretty damn impressive.  Now if he could just nab that championship…

SAY WHAT?: “I gambled on myself and now I get to live out my dream of running 29th for a race team that’s about to close down.”

RATING: 6 caution laps out of 10 updated four times weekly

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