I love Monopoly. I love Nascar. You’d think I’d own one of the many Nascar-themed Monopoly sets that have been made over the years. But you’d be wrong. Why? Because these “Nascaropoly” game boards always allow you to buy DRIVERS or cars instead of actual race tracks—you know, properties, like in the ACTUAL MONOPOLY.
That’s why I’ve come up with the first-ever track-based Monopoly game, Spade Racingopoly! Play just like you would in a regular Monopoly game, but with the race tracks of Nascar replacing the streets of Atlantic City.
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Oh, and here’s the racing-based “Chance” and “Community Chest” cards:
--Race to Go (Collect $200)
--It's almost playoff time--race to Richmond. - If you pass Go, collect $200
--Take a winding road to "Sonoma Glen" – If you pass Go, collect $200
--Advance token forward to nearest unowned track of any kind--you may buy it if you'd like. If no properties are unowned, stay put. If you pass Go, collect $200.
--Advance token forward to the nearest owned track and pay owner the rental to which he/she is entitled. If no properties are owned, stay put. If you pass Go, collect $200.
--TV contract pays you dividend of $50.
--Get Out of Impound Free - This card may be kept until needed, or traded/sold.
--Lose your spot in inspection line--go back three spaces.
--Go Directly to Jail. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
--Make general repairs on your single most-expensive property – For each house pay $35 – For each hotel $190 (if undeveloped, pay nothing)
--Pay licensing fee of $15.
--Get a little dirty by taking a trip to Eldora--If you pass Go, collect $200.
--Enjoy Speedweeks at Daytona– Advance token to Daytona.
--You have been elected Chairman of the Drivers' Council – Pay each player $50
--Sign a new affiliate team – Collect $150
--You have won a pit crew competition - Collect $100
--Race to Go (Collect $200)
--Inspection error in your favor – Collect $200
--Engine leasing fee – Pay $50
--From sale of wrecked sheet metal you get $50
--Get out of Impound Free – This card may be kept until needed or sold
--Go directly to Impound– Do not pass Go – Do not collect $200
--Hall of Fame Induction Night - Collect $50 from every player for banquet night seats
--Sponsor Fund matures - Receive $100
--Fuel fee refund – Collect $20
--It is your shop's open house - Collect $10 from each player
--Licensing agreement matures – Collect $100
--Pay pit pass fees of $100
--Pay driver development fee of $150
--Receive $25 consultancy fee
--You are assessed for track repairs at your single least-expensive track – $30 per house – $175 per hotel (if undeveloped, pay nothing)
--You have won second prize in a fan vote – Collect $10
--You receive $100 from a minority team owner