I’m changing things up a bit for 2024, as instead of “hobby boxes”, I will be exploring the world of “blaster boxes” for NASCAR trading cards.
Pack 2 of 6: Pixelation, Domination, and the Awesome Nation
First Look: As odd as it looks, I’m a fan of this variant card which gives it a real “80’s scoreboard” kind of look to it. Helps that it’s a neat throwback paint scheme too, even if Dale Jr. had a meh race that day.
To the Back: Happy really had an under-the-radar all-timer career, didn’t he? Maybe it’s because he followed Dale Sr., or maybe it’s because he was in sub-part RCR equipment for a few years. Or maybe its because of that lame Reese’s Caramel commercial that ran ad nauseam in the mid-00’s.
Final Rating: 5 pit stops out of 10
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