Frankney Munizfield

This is a work of parody

Last Saturday I heard Brad Keselowski refer to Frankie Muniz as a “comedian”, which I found odd, since I only knew him as an actor and racer.  Then, after the Truck Series race, Muniz said he “definitely don’t get respect out there” in reference to being hung out to dry in the draft.

Then it all made sense to me.

Frankie Muniz was a stand-up comedian whose act revolved around racing!

Thankfully I was able to find a clip of Frankie working on some new material—I have transcribed it below:

“What a crowd, huh, what a crowd!  I tell ya I’m doin alright THIS weekend but LAST weekend I was in a lotta trouble.  I tell ya what was I thinking running full time in the Truck Series this year—I was in Racing Stripes, but I didn’t know about rookie stripes!

I tell ya it’s rough out there!  Just last weekend I was hung out to dry in the draft.  I tell ya I felt like Agent Cody sliding UP the Banks!

I never have ANY luck on the track.  I don’t get the lucky dog, I’m not even an underdog, I’m just My Dog Skip—and it skips me every time I have a shot for the lead!

I’m telling ya I don’t get no respect, no respect at all!  Look at my truck after Atlanta—it looked like it was Dancing with the Scars!  But at least I stayed Mal-CALM in the Middle of all the action!

Hey you’ve been great, thank you and try the olive oil!” updated four times weekly

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