
New Hampshire Race Picks: Uncle Max vs. 13th Place

Hey—you know what’s NOT fun?

No, it’s not getting picks wrong.  It’s not having air conditioning at your place of work during the summer.  The HVAC system went on the fritz on Tuesday, and we’ve barely had it be any cooler than the heat outside since.  According to my boss, the repair guys should be back this afternoon to fix things, and boy do I hope so!

You see, I don’t exactly do well in the heat.  As much as I like spending time at the beach, I also do that in early June, because even going into the ocean when it’s 95+ isn’t enough for me. I always thought I’d do best working in a cold storage warehouse, but I think that ship has sailed.

TRUCK SERIES (2 wins) off

Saturday Afternoon XFINITY SERIES (3 wins) SciAps 200: RILEY HERBST—revenge is a dish best served Terrible.

Sunday CUP SERIES USA Today 301: 13th Place Picks JUSTIN HALEY.  FAVORITE (1 win): RYAN BLANEY—back to back is a possibly for a non-HMS, non-Gibbs car when they’re not at intermediates.  NEXT FAVORITE: KYLE LARSON—best way to avoid crashing?  Winning.  DARK HORSE: KYLE BUSCH—do they serve lobster at Cheddars? updated four times weekly

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