
Musically Declined: Lonnie Hillard’s Race Tracks II, Go Go Go & Fact of Matter Gone

Stock Car Racing and Country Music—two pillars of culture in the Southern United States.  And the two have mingled throughout the years.  So put on your racing shoes, make sure they match your cowboy hat, and settle in for a look back at some of Nascar’s biggest stars turned Nashville wannabes!

The Songs: Go Go Go & Fact of Matter Gone

The Stars: Todd Bodine, Derrike Cope (both on Fact of Matter Gone)

The Clips: 

The Review: The first track, “Go Go Go”, is about as generic as it gets—at least until we get to “Fact of Matter Gone”.  Both these songs sound like something you’d hear in the background of a really cheap tv movie made to cash-in on Nascar’s success (and no, not Chariots of Steel).  Even Derrike Cope’s contribution can’t make this stand out.

The Verdict: About as bland as you can get. updated four times weekly

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