
Spade Racing Opens a Box of 2022 Chronicle Nascar Cards, Pack 6 of 6

Join us (well, me) as we/I go through a box of 2022 Chronicle Nascar Cards.  This set is Panini’s “upscale/exclusive” line—lets see if they live up to those expectations.

Pack 6—Taylor Gray, Larson’s day, and going away

FIRST LOOK: An autograph by Taylor Gray!  Not to be confused with Tanner Gray, Gray Gaulding, or F. Gary Gray.

TO THE BACK: Winning the pole for Daytona gets you and your sponsors some nice attention but its kind of pointless when it comes to the race.  Its like Indy, but people actually care.

SAY WHAT: “I’m closing out this set?  But I never got to find out if STP actually works or not!”

RATING: 7 Homestead palm trees out of 10 NEW! updated four times weekly

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