

Said official entering the
SPAD3 Racing race shop
As NASCAR Cup’s newest team, Special Protective Advance Defense Department Detachment (SPAD3) Racing hasn’t been doing things the normal way—basing itself out of Northern Virginia, using space-age materials, hiring a robot driver.  But a short-lived investigation by NASCAR into the team’s operations has concluded in record time.

“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with what’s going on at SPAD3 Racing”, said a NASCAR official upon leaving the race shop.  “And please ignore any changes to my physical appearance from earlier this morning—I, uh, got a new haircut at lunch.”

The investigator, who was suddenly left-handed and with a deeper voice, said he found nothing untoward going on at the team’s race shop.

The official leaving
the race shop

“We’re here to investigate, and my investigation turned up nothing against the rules, illegal, or violating the Geneva Conventions”, said the investigator.  “And I can certainly say that I’ll be glad to get back to my office in Daytona Beach…and have someone tell me where that is, because, uh, I’m forgetful I guess?”

Apparently what was found at the SPAD3 Racing race shop was so convincing, all further investigations have been halted as well.

“I see no reason to continue any investigations into this team—everything is above-board here”, the investigator said while walking to his car.  “Oh dang, uh, the key battery seems to have died.  Can anybody give me a lift back to Quantico?”

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