
Spade Racing Opens a Box of 2022 Chronicle Nascar Cards, Pack 2 of 6

Join us (well, me) as we/I go through a box of 2022 Chronicle Nascar Cards.  This set is Panini’s “upscale/exclusive” line—lets see if they live up to those expectations.

Pack 2—Tyler two-times and Brittney gets rhymes

FIRST LOOK: And we have our first memorabilia card!  Number 4 of 25 of this particular firesuit piece.  Normally I prefer to get one with different pieces of material/lettering on it, but hey—this will still be accurate when Tyler leaves for 23XI.

TO THE BACK: There’s many-a Zamora card, so these captions are getting quite hard.  I’ll try to be quick, with this limerick—you can see why I’m never a bard.

SAY WHAT: Huh, why did they go for v a p o r w a v e  a e s t h e t i c?

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