

Despite baseless rumors of rancor within the Special Protective Advance Defense Department Detachment (SPAD3) Racing team, crew chief Mike Henshaw confirmed today that he declined an offer from a rival team.

“I have decided to stay.  There are no issues here”, a tired-looking Henshaw said while holding up today’s newspaper.  “They are treating me very well.  I have no reason to leave.”

Crew Chief Mike Henshaw

Last week rumors spread that Henshaw was considering taking a competition director role with another team.  However, it seems that those were just that—rumors.

“Our crew chief Mike Henshaw is an integral part of our plans here at SPAD3 Racing”, said team principal Kent Simms, “and we aim to keep him here until those goals are achieved.  Whatever it takes to keep him happy—whether that’s reassigning crew members, a reallocation of resources, or reminding him that his house is in a very, shall we say, ‘rough’ neighborhood.”

Henshaw was later seen staring off into the distance in the SPAD3 Racing team shop break room, seemingly trying to decipher a mystery.  This could be him figuring out how to escape a figurative prison, but is likely more-closely related to planning out next week’s race set-up.

“We’re getting closer every day to having a real breakthrough here”, said shape foreman Rodney Tillman.  “I don’t see why anyone would want to leave, even if they could.”

And YOU won’t want to leave