
Spade Racing Opens a Box of 2021 Panini Chronicles Nascar Cards, Pack 6 of 6

Join us (well, me) as we/I go through a box of super-exclusive 2021 Panini Chronicles Nascar Cards, pack-by-pack, week-by-week.

Pack 6—On your guard, trying too hard, and the missing card

FIRST LOOK: I really REALLY hope Ryan Vargas has a special “autograph signature” that he uses in public.  Because if this is actually how he signs his name on contracts, checks, and other legal documents, I’m guessing he has to do it over and over again with people thinking he’s trying to forge it.

TO THE BACK: Um, maybe it would be better to just write “We don’t know much about this guy” rather than waxing poetic on the Rocky Mountains.

SAY WHAT: “Nine cards in this pack—I’m the missing card from Pack 1!  Oh, and uh, who am I?”

RATING: 7 overtime laps out of 10