
52 Pickup Racing Records Fastest Lap

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Boogertown, North Carolina)

Last weekend’s NASCAR Cup race saw another plaudit recorded by the sport’s newest team, 52 Pickup Racing.  On lap 54, driver T.B. Dee posted the fastest lap of all other cars.

“That’s what I’m talking about!”, Dee said over the radio upon being informed of his accomplishment.  “Faster than Busch!  Faster than Harvick!  Faster than the other Busch! We’re bad fast today, fellas!”.

The 52 Pickup Racing car, emblazoned in its usual Monday Cigarettes colors, streaked around the track at a blistering pace, making competitors and race fans alike forget that the car was a lap down and the only competitor on new tires.  Such was the power of such an amazing lap.

“There’s been a lot of hard work, a lot of long hours, a lot of extra investments made”, said Ray Jansen, one of the fifty-two co-owners of 52 Pickup Racing.  “But seeing us light up the scoreboard like that, it really makes it all worthwhile.  I mean, it would be even MORE worthwhile if a new sponsor stepped up for the next few races, but one thing at a time, I guess.”

Dee has said that, while happy with his performance on the fifty-fourth lap, he is still looking to improve his performance overall.

“Don’t get me wrong—having a fastest lap is fantastic”, Dee said.  “But we want to do so much more.  Next weekend I’m hoping we can post TWO fastest laps.  Then three, then four, and so on.  Pretty soon we’ll be knocking on the door of the top-30!”

QUOTES: “Those new tires really did the trick.  No wonder everyone else came in for new tires the following lap.” —T.B. Dee, driver of the 52 Pickup Racing Monday Cigarettes race car.

“Little victories like that begin to add up, and eventually lead to the ultimate goal—finishing on the lead lap.” —Ray Jansen, co-owner of 52 Pickup Racing.

ABOUT 52 PICKUP RACING: 52 Pickup Racing is NASCAR Cup’s newest race team.  Based out of Boogertown North Carolina, the team employs up-and-coming driver T.B. Dee and a cracked pit crew working primarily for room and board.

For more information please visit the 52 Pickup Racing website at

For all media inquiries please contact Moxoc Media at moxoc(at)

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