
Spade Racing Opens a Box of 2021 Panini Chronicles Nascar Cards, Pack 4 of 6

Join us (well, me) as we/I go through a box of super-exclusive 2021 Panini Chronicles Nascar Cards, pack-by-pack, week-by-week.

Pack 4—The Maple Leaf, distance grief, and smiling sans teeth

FIRST LOOK: Raphael Lessard kicks off this Canadian-flavoured pack—with a limited-edition card, no less!  Almost makes up for him losing his ride well before these cards were released, huh?

TO THE BACK: 90 miles from your home, Alex?  OK—first of all, wouldn’t you use kilometers?  And by your logic the fact that I grew up 20 miles from John Wilkes Booth’s birthplace means I should be shooting people at plays.

SAY WHAT: “I’m not Canadian, but I’ll use my hockey-hair to fit in”.

RATING: 2 mispronunciations of “Mosport” out of 10