
52 Pickup Racing Posts REALLY Deceptively Good Weekend

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Boogertown, North Carolina)

While last weekend’s race results—a last-place finish several dozen laps down—may have looked back, driver T.B. Dee and the 52 Pickup Racing team’s crew knew it was a deceptively good weekend.  A REALLY deceptively good weekend.

“I know it looked bad, but below the surface, it was quite a good run”, Dee said upon returning to the team’s race shop in Boogertown, North Carolina.  “You have to know what to look for, then look closely—really REALLY closely—and you’ll see it was one of our best results yet.”

“Sure it doesn’t look all that great from the outside looking in, but on the inside we see what as success last weekend really was”, said Joe Willis, one of the fifty-two co-owners of the team.  “Those who criticize us really can’t see the trees from the forest.”

“Racing—its a lot like jazz”, said Dee.  “so even though we finished 44 laps down, it was the laps we DIDN’T run that really made the difference.”

The team plans to build on the seemingly disastrous (but actually stupendous) race weekend by going out next weekend and “doing the things that don’t show up in the box score”.

QUOTES: “If you didn’t know any better, you’d think this year has been a disaster.  But if you DID know better, you’d be working for us!” —T.B. Dee, driver of the 52 Pickup Racing Monday Cigarettes race car.

“That’s right, T.B.!  And if you would like to work for us, send us your resume, we could use the help.” —Joe Willis, co-owner of 52 Pickup Racing.

ABOUT 52 PICKUP RACING: 52 Pickup Racing is NASCAR Cup’s newest race team.  Based out of Boogertown North Carolina, the team employs up-and-coming driver T.B. Dee and a number of other skilled part-time crew members who are more than happy to be paid in pennies.

For more information please visit the 52 Pickup Racing website at

For all media inquiries please contact Moxoc Media at moxoc(at)