
Spade Racing Update—No Nascar, No Picks, but No Breaks!

With Nascar having just announced that they’ve postponed another batch of races due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, I thought it would be a good time to give you an update on what’s going on here at Spade Racing:

No Uncle Max picks for the foreseeable future.  Uncle Max is doing fine—he still has to go to work (he’s in retail after all), but with nothing to predict he’s taking a brief vacation from prognosticating.  He will be back as soon as the season resumes.

Content continues.  Sure there’s nothing going on NOW, but with 70+ years of Nascar history there’s still lots to look forward to here at Spade Racing.  Who Hung On Too Long will continue and will be joined by a brand-new series starting next week.  My aim is to keep up three pieces per week during the break in the action.

iRacing?  I like to joke that I got out of video games just before video games became cool.  So I know little to nothing about iRacing.  I will provide any coverage or insight into Nascar’s virtual races that I can—and I applaud Nascar and Fox/FS1’s willingness to provide original content.

So let’s stick around, because while Nascar may have stopped, my snarkiness is still in season.