
Hornet High Class Racing Enters Car in eNascar iRacing Invitational Race

Marking their long-awaited return to the world of virtual racing, Hornet High Class Racing Team has chosen to enter their iconic 41 red and blue car in today’s Dixie Vodka 150 from the virtual Homestead-Miami Speedway.
“We did it before, and we can do it again”, a spokesman for the legendary team said in a statement released yesterday.  “Hornet High Class has always been on the vanguard of video game racing, and we we’re going to sit on the sidelines and let these upstarts steal our thunder.  With our partners at Gallop Racing, we’re going to show the world that our time isn’t over—we got a TIME EXTENSION.”
The team, based in Daytona USA, has said that they have performed extensive online testing, racing against 39 nearly-identical drone cars, most of which are significantly slower.  However, they did acknowledge the difficulties of racing on a brand-new virtual track.
“Normally, we only race at three different tracks, and usually its the one that’s like a hybrid between Daytona and Darlington”, the statement said, “but we’re giving it our best shot.  If we succeed this weekend, we might consider entering up to eight other cars in different colors—kind of like what J.D. Stacy used to do.”
The Hornet High Class team was mum on what driver they’d be using for the online race, but were willing to confirm other personnel decisions.
“Our crew chief will be our old reliable, someone willing to tell our driver how many laps there are to do and to ‘hang in there’.  Our spotter, meanwhile, will be that Japanese guy who sings ‘Daaaaytooooonnnaaaaaa!’ really loud.”
When reached for comment, Hornet High Class refused to confirm or deny that if you hit the right button when the giant slot machine is on all-sevens, that you get unlimited time.