
Daytona "News" and Notes

--So is it still cheating if almost half the field does it?  Yes.  Yes it is.

--Back to Daytona, back to restrictor plates, back to anybody with a car having a shot to win.  Well, besides Josh Wise.

--Plenty of teams will be running special patriotic paint schemes this weekend, so if you see a team that isn't?  They're commies!  (I'm looking at you, Paul Menard).

--Even though Toyota isn't an American-owned company, they plan to get into the spirit of the Fourth by providing a spectacular explosion-and-smoke show from one of their engines.

--Over/Under on number of Larry Mac "JOO-ly"'s we hear on Saturday night: 4.5.

--Only two more races left for Fox Sports 1--I mean, Speed--I mean, TNT.