
Jimmie Johnson Transfers Golden Horseshoe to Brad Keselowski

Jimmie Johnson literally saw his championship hopes go up in smoke when a rear gear failure relegated him to the back of the field.  After the race, in a show of sportsmanship, Jimmie reluctantly gave the fabled "Golden Horseshoe" to the new champion, Brad Keselowski.
"AHHHH!  ARRRRGGGHHHH AHHH IT HURTS!" Johnson screamed as he slowly removed the Horseshoe from his backside.  "AHHHHHH--ahh, better!  To be honest, its nice to have that thing out of my body."
Johnson, appearing more comfortable and a few pounds lighter, was gracious in defeat.
"Brads' going to be a great champion for our sport", Johnson said while holding the foul-smelling piece of metal.  "We hoped that we'd have a shot to win this thing, but I guess it wasn't in the cards for us.  At least I'll be a lot more comfortable sitting down now."
Johnson then walked over to Keselowski's car, people ducking out of the way upon seeing the brown-coated horseshoe.  Upon reaching the 2 crew's celebration, he presented the horseshoe to a confused-looking Keselowski.
"Brad, man, this is for you", Johnson said, holding out the smelly object.  "It always hurts to lose one of these things, but I'm glad its going to you."
"Um, thanks, I guess", Keselowski said.  "Guys, can someone get this thing cleaned?  Like REALLY cleaned?  NOW?"