
"Scuffs and Stickers", this fall on Spade Racing Network TV!

After the ongoing Michigan debate of scuff tires versus sticker tires, it gave me an idea for a buddy-cop TV show.  Let me pitch it at you…

TITLE: Scuffs and Stickers

PREMISE: Two mismatched guys solve racing-based crimes while keeping their day jobs as Nascar officials.

TAGLINE: Their crime-fighting methods don't fit the standard template.

MAIN CHARACTERS: Gary "Scuffs" Scufowski, a longtime Nascar inspector with a sarcastic temperament and a long list of enemies.  Thankfully his list of sources is even longer, as he knows everybody from the movers-and-shakers to the guys who glue on the lugnuts.  He tries to put up with his energetic young partner, but the only thing Scuffs is quick with is an insult.  Deep down, however, he sees his partner as a real friend (even if he is a real pain!)
Keith "Stickers" Stieg-Kirst, a fresh-faced newcomer to the world of Nascar.  His experience is as short as his temper, as he looks to make every wrong right, no matter what the cost.  Paired with Scuffs, he tries to make the world safe for racing, and doesn't mind tweaking a few noses along the way.  He also fancies himself a ladies man, though he's been slapped by Miss Sprint Cup more times than he'd like to admit.

RECURRING CHARACTERS: William Goodyear, the head of Nascar's race inspectors crime-fighting unit.  As a by-the-book chief, he's often annoyed with Scuffs' lack of decorum and Stickers' disregard for procedure.  But, as much as he says, "That's it you two--YOU'RE OFF THE CASE!", he just can't get rid of his most-successful pairing (no matter how many times Scuffs calls him "Billy").
Jimmy Hugh Schur, a frequent help to Scuffs and Stickers and an expert at infiltrating "the establishment".  A master of disguise, he's equally known for his speed AND blowouts.  Not much is known about him, other than that he comes from a small Indiana town, and seems to know everybody on the grass-roots level.