
Paint Scheming--The Greatest Paint Schemes of All-Time--NOMINATION TIME!!!

Now that Nascar has a Hall-of-Fame, all its greatest drivers, owners, crew chiefs, and even cars themselves are being enshrined (why they insist on leaving out Bobby Hillin Jr., I have NO idea).  But what about the paint schemes?  The look(s) of a car, the interplay of colors, a combination of paint, decals and wraps?
Well, lets honor them here!
As a project for the summer, I'm putting together a definitive list of the greatest paint schemes of all time.  I have my own ideas, but I'd rather hear some of yours as well.  First, a few guidelines:
--We're talking about the appearance of the paint, decals, and/or wrap on the car, so we're not taking the shape of a particular car model into consideration here.
--We're limiting it to regular and semi-regular paint schemes only, so NO SPECIAL PAINT SCHEMES.  It has to have run at least three races to qualify.
--Also, we're limiting this to the top series ("Cup") only--Sprint Cup, Nextel Cup, Winston Cup, Grand National--so no Nationwide/Busch or Truck schemes.
The criteria beyond that?  Well, its up to you.  You can choose based on…
--Pure aesthetics, color scheme and visibility on the track
--Identification with a certain driver, team, or sponsor
--Cleverness, ingenuity, and originally
Whatever made a certain paint scheme stand out (positively) for you, that's all that matters.
Post your nominees over at the Spade Racing Facebook page.  I'll see what kind of response we get before I know when to "close the voting".  For best results, "show your work" by listing a brief explanation (just a few sentences) on why you feel that your particular scheme is one of the best.  And try to post a picture or a link of the paint scheme too.
Lets see where this thing goes!