
Joey Logano Charged with Elder Abuse on Mark Martin

Despite winning his second career Cup race, not all is well for Joey Logano.  Shortly after his victory lane interview he was served papers by the Pennsylvania Dept. of the Aged and Infirm for possible elder abuse on Mark Martin.
"We saw that young kid push around that older gentleman", said department agent Steve Ryan.  "I don't know how they do things in North Carolina, but we do NOT tolerate that here in Pennsylvania."
Logano appeared confused and bewildered by the charges, hand-delivered in victory lane.
"Wait, what?" Logano said to no one in particular.  "We were just racing!  He was in my way so I smacked him!  Plus he had his left turn signal on the whole time!"
Agent Ryan explained that "…abuse isn't always apparent, you have to look for it carefully.  We've already seen evidence about Mark Martin's boss leaving garbage in his car, so we felt it necessary to protect Mark for himself."
Mark Martin himself was not available for comment after the race, though a spokesman for Michael Waltrip Racing stated that "Mark did not hear about the charges before his afternoon nap following the race.  We will get his reaction as soon as possible, but he's very grumpy right after waking up, especially if his evening newspaper isn't there."
Agent Ryan was later cited for speeding, having entered Victory Lane too fast.