
Spade Racing Theater Presents: The Reut E. Mann

Since last Sunday's debacle at Martinsville, Tommy Baldwin Racing driver David Reutimann has been putting up with quite a lot of abuse from fans. Calling his cell phone, sending angry emails, throwing concrete blocks at TBR headquarters. So its understandable that he'd want some time to be alone. Now, we at Spade Racing Theater present our interpretation of David Reutimann trying to get away from it all, but then forgetting his keys.

(SCENE: Lobby/Meeting Room/Blaney Scowl Practice Zone)

David Reutimann, Driver, TBR: OK, I'm taking a nice, long drive out into the Blue Mountains. I'm leaving my cellphone here with you so NOBODY will be able to reach me. Remember, if ANYONE comes looking for me, I'm not here.

Tom Gnohc, Director of Communications/Secretary/Security Guard, TBR: Gotcha Mr. R.--don't worry, I can handle it.

DR: (walks out, reaches into pockets) Ah, damn, forgot my keys. (knocks on locked TBR door)

TG: Who is it?

DR: Its me, Dave, open up, I forgot my keys.


DR: (knocks on door again)

TG: Who is it?

DR: Its me, Dave, man, open up I forgot my keys!

TG: Who?

DR: Its DAVE, man--open up I think some Junior fans spotted me!


DR: (knocks on door loudly)

TG: Who is it?

DR: Its-its DAVE, man, will you open up I forgot my keys!

TG: Who?

DR: Dave, man, open up!

TG: Dave?

DR: Yeah man, open up those Junior fans--

TG: Dave's not here!

DR: (banging on door) OPEN UP THE DOOR ITS DAVE!

TG: Who?


TG: Dave?


TG: Dave!?!

DR: Right, man, Dave, now will you open up the door?!?

TG: …Dave's not here!

DR: (hit in head by Amp Energy Can)