

Starting a new race team essentially from scratch is a difficult endeavor.  As a result, its only natural for the team’s major players to be worried about its progress in its first full season.

Crew Chief Mike Henshaw

“Special Protective Advance Defense Department Detachment (SPAD3) Racing has me kind of frightened”, said veteran crew chief Mike Henshaw.  “Not the on-track stuff—we’re way ahead of schedule on that—but really what I’ve seen going on behind the scenes, its worrisome.”

Henshaw explained that while the team has posted numerous top-tens so far this season, he’s a bit worried about their lack of laps led.

“I mean there’s all these mysterious people in suits showing up in the shop, none of them ever tell me their names”, Henshaw said, commenting on the team’s lack of competitiveness on road courses.  “One of them followed me home the other day—stuff like that, you just don’t want happening to you.”

Henshaw went on to explain that breakthroughs in chassis development and race set-ups have allayed most of his fears about missing the NASCAR Playoffs.

“I keep asking questions, but I don’t get answers”, Henshaw replied optimistically.  “I think that’s the real reason why the team is based so far away from North Carolina—these people don’t like people asking questions.  I’ll be sleeping with one eye open all year.”

Team principal Kent Simms was unavailable for comment as he was on a sponsorship recruitment mission to Europe.