
Ross Chastain Working On New Versions of Melon-Smashing Celebration

One of Nascar Cup’s newest stars is Ross Chastain, who delighted the Nascar on Fox broadcast team after his two wins this season with his celebratory “Watermelon Smash”.  However, Chastain is not resting on his laurels, and is considering new ways to spice up his victories.

“Trackhouse (Racing Team) has really given me race-winning equipment this year, so I want to change things up before people get sick of me spiking a watermelon the same exact way after every win”, Chastain said this morning.  “So I’m thinking—what can I do to make each win unique?  That’s what I’ve been meditating on for the past week or so.”

Chastain has said that he has several concepts in the works for new post-race celebration variations.

“One idea was to use a different kind of melon—maybe a honeydew”, Chastain said.  “Or maybe I could eat part of a watermelon, then spit the seeds into the crowd—after COVID restrictions are lifted, of course.”

Chastain has also been considering less-obvious ways to keep his post-race victories from getting stale.

“I’ve even thought of carrying some watermelon seeds and a trowel in my car”, Chastain opined, “then planting them in the infield after a win.  Or even something really wild, like a flaming watermelon spike.  Anything to remind people that I’m just a humble watermelon farmer who happens to race stock cars.”

When informed that most farmers have barely enough money to get by, much less race, Chastain grimaced and walked away. updated four times weekly

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