
Race Picks (the last season?), Uncle Max vs. The Points Leader: DAYTONA

And we’re back from the offseason.  Sorry I can’t be more excited about things, but it was a ROUGH winter.  My car broke down repeatedly, my job had mass layoffs that I barely survived, and I had yet another relationship fizzle out right around the conference championship weekend.  But not all is lost.

2025 Schedule Matrix--click to enlarge

That’s because I might (might!) be up for a big promotion at work.  The store manager position is open, and I’ve been given the opportunity to interview for the spot.  I’ve always wanted to be a store manager, and having the job permanently would mean more work but much more pay.  So not to put the cart before the horse, but if I do get this promotion, this could be my last year making picks.

Anyways, onto the picks—as always, I pick for all points-paying Truck, Xfinity, and Cup Series races.  In Cup races I compete against the points leader to see who can win more, me or, um, sustained success.  And as always, my “Dark Horse” pick is a driver and/or team no one would expect to win.

TRUCK SERIES Fresh From Florida 250 (7:30pm ET on FS1) CHANDLER SMITH—a new series, a new home, a new success (for about a year).

XFINITY SERIES United Rentals 300 (5pm ET on The CW) RYAN TRUEX—someone has to post a mild upset this weekend, why not Ryan Truex not Jr?

CUP SERIES Daytona 500 (2:30pm ET on Fox) Points Leader picks JOEY LOGANO (last year’s champion).  Favorite: ROSS CHASTAIN—do melons keep well over the offseason?  We’ll find out.  Next Favorite: AUSTIN CINDRIC—being a two-time Daytona 500 is nothing to sneeze at, even if you do occasionally wear a bow-tie.  Dark Horse: BUBBA WALLACE—he cries, fans cry, Nascar leadership cries, and I have a snack before bed. updated four times weekly

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