
Spade Racing Opens a Box of 2024 Donruss Cards, Pack 2 of 24

PACK 2: A rookie card, it’s easy but hard, and Coca-Cola’s bard

FIRST LOOK: The great number of variants in any one set, combined with having cards for drivers in developmental series, makes “rookie cards” kind of hard to determine.  But hey—if Donruss says its a Rated Rookie card, that’s good enough for me.

TO THE BACK: As a wise man once said, “You gotta be around at the end to win”.  Follow me for more pointless aphorisms.

SAY WHAT?: “Oh how I love my Coke, I’d drink it even if I was broke, my love you cannot understand, that’s why it’s always in my hand.”

RATING: 4 green flags out of 10. updated four times weekly

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