
Spade Racing Opens a Box of 2023 Donruss Cards, Pack 7 of 24

Pack 7: Obscure, Impure, and Endure

FIRST LOOK: Here we see Awesome Bill holding an incredibly obscure trophy—the pole award for The Winston All-Star Race in 2000.  What, did you not have a picture from that one race-winning blue car in 1991?

TO THE BACK: Oh come on—what’s the obsession of young drivers saying they want to race stuff other than Nascar?  Its the “but I really want to direct” of the stock car world.

SAY WHAT: “It took a while, but here I am, in one of the best cars in the series, with one of the worst paint schemes.”

RATING: 5 contingency decals out of 10 updated four times weekly

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