
Spade Racing Opens a Box of 2021-22 Panini Prizm Nascar Cards, Pack 7 of 12

Join us (well, me) as we/I go through a box of 2022 Panini Prizm Nascar Cards.  Because there’s 12 cards per pack, each pack is split in two.

Pack 7 Part 1—Was that a Wreck?, Another Record on Deck, and a Broken Neck

FIRST LOOK: I’m always up for some shots of Bill Elliott in his McDonalds gear, but why is he craning his neck like that?  Is Dennis Setzer wrecking Bill’s #13 car off in the distance?

TO THE BACK: How much do you wanna bet that leading 20,000 laps is Kyle Busch’s latest record he wants to break?

SAY WHAT: “GAHH!  I tried to look like Bill Elliott and now my neck is stuck like this!”

RATING: 4 pre-race interviews out of 10