

Although Special Protective Advance Defense Department Detachment (SPAD3) Racing has been surprising the NASCAR world all-season with its on-track performance, the team arrived to the track despondent over an apparently failed “mission” off-track.

“All those months of planning.  All those days of work.  All those hours of interrogation.  Gone.  For nothing”, said car chief Phil Brown.  “Operation Raven was an unmitigated disaster.  Where we go from here, nobody knows.”

The team arrived to its most-recent race in a noticeably down-beat mood, seemingly distracted by whatever the so-called “Operation Raven” outcome was.

“There’s no other way to put it—we failed”, said public relations director Stacey Fox.  “We’re still proud of what we’ve accomplished on-track this year, but its all for naught.  MOXOC, our robot driver, won’t be able to get its laser upgrades anymore, and all the brain—er, I mean, coaching that we’ve given to (crew chief) Mike Henshaw was a waste in the long run.”

While details of Operation Raven’s demise are still unknown, the future of the team appears to have been thrown into question, despite contending for top-tens all season and occasionally challenging for wins.

“Nobody’s happy with how things have turned out”, said team principal Dave Graham, “so there’s lots of reevaluation going on team-wide.  If we wind up regrouping and trying again next year, so be it.  But if I wind up taking that role in South Ossetia, that will be my destiny.”

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