

Leadership at Special Protective Advance Defense Department Detachment (SPAD3) Racing has admitted that the team’s on-track performance as of late leaves much to be desired.  However, they have placed the blame squarely on a recent Research & Development project which has taken up much of the team’s resources.

“Look, none of us are happy with how the car has run the past few weeks”, said team business manager Lewis Hampton.  “But we’re focused just as much on the future as the present.  And I’d argue that every single team member KNOWS how important the future is to all of us.”

The project, known only as “Operation Blue Lion”, is taking up not only much of the team’s time and budget, but much of the team’s race shop space as well.

“Its tough to work on next week’s car with only half the space you had around the start of the year”, said shop fabricator Erik Strahan, “but we all know the importance of the project.  From what I hear if Blue Lion isn’t deployable by the time the enemy—I mean, competition—gets Codename Texan off the ground, all will be lost.”

Veteran crew chief Mike Henshaw echoed the rest of the team’s thoughts, if not in so many words.

“Things are really strange here—even stranger than usual”, Henshaw said.  “But I don’t think I have much of a choice.  Oh how I long for the days when the worst thing I had to worry about was a driver not liking our set-up.  Now I have the fate of mankind being worked on right over my shoulder.”

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