

Special Protective Advance Defense Department Detachment (SPAD3) Racing has been turning heads already in its first NASCAR Cup season, but while there’s more attention than ever on the team, it cautioned fans that its race shop is still not open to the public.

The SPAD3 Racing
race shop

“We really wish we could open things up for a fan walk or a retina scan—like other teams do”, said team principal Kent Simms, “—but we’re really just not set up yet to have members of the public visit the shop.”

SPAD3 RACING Chief Brand Officer Chris McCaffrey went on to explain the team’s reasoning behind not allowing the race shop to accept visitors.

“First of all, we’re in an office park that already has pretty high security regulations for the various national security outfits nearby”, said McCaffrey.  “We also have our own rigorous security measures to keep any spies from other teams or nations from stealing our intellectual property.  And besides, its Northern Virginia—nobody REALLY wants to deal with that traffic.”

McCaffrey said she hopes that the team will be able to offer a “virtual shop tour” online in the coming months.

“We’ve seen a lot of interest in our team, and we want to keep our fans happy”, McCaffrey said.  “For instance, did you know that our pit crew practices two hours each and every morning?  And did you know that we use the latest CNC machine technology to manufacture most of our race car parts?  And did you know that I can disarm a missile launcher in less than fifteen seconds?  These are the kinds of things people want to know about.”

Visit for more information, or Race Shop Reviews to learn about race shops that HAVE been open to the public in the past.