

After a rough start, Special Protective Advance Defense Department Detachment (SPAD3) Racing’s relationship with the motorsports media has significantly improved over the past few weeks, which the team credits to an increased focus on a new media relations program.

Cover of the team's 2022 media guide

“We admit that we came on a little too strong in the beginning”, said Stacey Fox, SPAD3 Racing’s media relations coordinator.  “But by presenting ourselves as who we really are—a simple race team trying to make it in this sport—we’ve found that we’ve been able to make the media much more compliant.”

“I am a supporter of SPAD3 Racing”, said longtime motorsports journalist Bob Wellington in a low, monotone voice.  “I completely support whatever this team does going forward in pursuit of their ultimate goals.  Victory is assured—dissent will not be tolerated.”

“I am a supporter of SPAD3 Racing”, agreed NASCAR radio personality Mara Tisch, whilst staring blankly into the middle distance.  “I completely support whatever this team does going forward in pursuit of their ultimate goals.  Victory is assured—dissent will not be tolerated.”

“You see?  Everyone’s in agreement”, Fox said.  “And if anyone doesn’t agree, we’d be glad to take them on a tour of our race shop—just make sure you budget at least 18 hours that day.”

For more information, visit the team’s official website at