
Spade Racing Opens a Box of 2021-22 Panini Prizm Nascar Cards, Pack 2 of 12

Join us (well, me) as we/I go through a box of 2022 Panini Prizm Nascar Cards.  Because there’s 12 cards per pack, each pack is split in two.

Pack 2 Part 2—An Autograph, Jimmie Math, and the RackleyWAR Path

FIRST LOOK: We’re back on track here with a Daniel Suarez autograph!  Also dig the cool face mask Daniel’s got on here—way to make the best of an irritating situation.

TO THE BACK: So as you can see, even if the “Chase” points system wasn’t introduced, Jimmie would likely still have won his first championship.  Now if we could just get him to get rid of that beard…

SAY WHAT: “RackleyWAR, what is it good for? One ARCA race in 2021, apparently.”

RATING: 9 racing lines out of 10