

NASCAR Cup’s newest team has begun to take shape, as a press conference in Washington DC this morning unveiled the team’s official name.

“Special Protective Advance Defense Department Detachment Racing will be making its debut next spring in the Daytona 500, but you can call us SPAD3 Racing for short”, team owner Dave Graham said, flanked by numerous men in suits.  “With the backing of this small but ultra-elite governmental agency, we know we’re going to accomplish everything we want to—nothing can stop us.”

While the team said they will be unveiling further plans in the coming weeks, they did confirm that former 52 Pickup Racing driver T.B. Dee will not be a part of their future.

“T.B. Dee was great in his interview—he had some real plans for the future”, Graham said.  “But we talked it over with our incoming team principal, and once we saw that he failed the stress tests we give to all our prospective employees, we decided to go in a different direction.”

Graham went on to say that while he could not go into details, the team had a particular young driver in mind for the ride.

“We’ve been looking at someone we can build from the group up—someone who has the necessary skills to race at a high level, but can make the right adjustments in-race.  I mean, people DO say that all drivers are personality-less robots these days, right?”