

The final major piece of the NASCAR Cup “Silly Season” puzzle fell into place last night, with the announcement that a brand-new operation has purchased the Charter of 52 Pickup Racing.

“We’re very happy to be entering NASCAR Cup competition next year, and we feel that by securing this Charter, we’ll have the ways and means to attain our goals”, said new team owner Dave Graham.  “Because we do, in fact, have our goals set with a singular focus—you can’t have fifty-something owners and expect people to take you seriously.”

Graham said that while specifics such as the team name, driver, and sponsors are all “works in progress”, he did say that former members of the 52 Pickup team would have the chance to apply for their old positions (with the exception of its existing public relations contracts with Spade Racing and MOXOC Media, which will continue to cover the team weekly throughout the 2022 season).

“T.B. Dee was a great driver last year, no doubt about it”, Graham said, “but we’re looking for a very special type of person to work on this team.  So if they have the heart, the drive, and the necessary security clearances to join us, they’re welcome to apply.”

Very little is known about Graham, both as an executive and as a person, but he claimed that such information would be released “…in due time.”

Anyone interested in working for the new team is encouraged to apply on the US Government’s employment website, motorsports division.