
Musically Declined: NASCAR Goes Country, Hey, Good Lookin’ & 6 Days on the Road

Stock Car Racing and Country Music—two pillars of culture in the Southern United States.  And the two have mingled throughout the years.  So put on your racing shoes, make sure they match your cowboy hat, and settle in for a look back at some of Nascar’s biggest stars turned Nashville wannabes!

The Songs: Hey Good Lookin’ by Hank Green and Six Days on the Road by Green & Montgomery

The Star: Cale Yarborough

The Clips: 

The Review: A great intro from the backing singers, which would be great if it was a Jordanaires album.  Once Cale enters the picture it sounds like, well, a painfully sober karaoke singer (that is to say, passable but not very interesting).  The second track has Cale singing about leaving Pittsburgh, a VERY relatable problem in the 1970s.  But six days on the road to get home?  I could do Pittsburgh to South Carolina in a day easy—and I’m not a three-time Nascar Cup champion…nor am I a mediocre singer.

The Verdict: Enough talent from Cale for one song, spread across two.