
52 Pickup Racing to Hold First-Ever “Yard Sale” on Saturday

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Boogertown, North Carolina)

Following in the footsteps of several major race teams’ “Fan Days” and “Fan Club Carnivals”, 52 Pickup Racing will be holding its first ever “Yard Sale” for fans this upcoming weekend at its race shop in Boogertown, North Carolina.

“We’ve got some great deals here—look at all this Monday Cigarettes swag”, said Carl East, one of the fifty-two co-owners of 52 Pickup Racing, referring to the team’s now-former sponsor.  “These t-shirts are 100% cotton, and we have them at $5 each, 3 for $12—you can’t beat that deal.”

“I was up late last night pricing all the merchandise we have for sale”, said driver T.B. Dee.  “I put a listing on Craigslist so hopefully we get a few ‘yard sale pros’ who can take some of these old springs off our hands.  They’d make dandy lawn chairs.”

In addition to normal yard sale items like clothing, small appliances, and tungsten, items only from a race team are available for purchase.

“We have a whole race car for sale—a whole race car!” said East, pointing to the team’s primary race car for the 2021 NASCAR Cup season.  “Of course we had to return the engine to our leasing partner.  So if you buy it, you should probably bring a tow-truck.”

The yard sale starts at 8am Saturday—please, no early birds.  All purchases of $20 or more come with a free cup of water OR a signed T.B. Dee “hero card”.

QUOTES: “Pro tip—used lug nuts make great paper weights.  And at 5 cents each you can’t afford NOT to buy.” —T.B. Dee, driver of the 52 Pickup Racing race car.

“Most of this stuff goes out of date with the new 2022 rules package, so if you ever wanted to start a mid-level ARCA team, this is your opportunity.” —Carl East, co-owner of 52 Pickup Racing.

ABOUT 52 PICKUP RACING: 52 Pickup Racing is NASCAR Cup’s newest race team.  Based out of Boogertown North Carolina, the team employs up-and-coming driver T.B. Dee and asks that all yard sale patrons avoid blocking their neighbor’s driveway.

For more information please visit the 52 Pickup Racing website at

For all media inquiries please contact Moxoc Media at moxoc(at)