
52 Pickup Racing Faces Uncertain Future

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Boogertown, North Carolina)

A year ago—almost exactly to the date—52 Pickup Racing was founded after fifty-two investors pooled their resources to start a NASCAR Cup race team.  Now, this team founded on a Charter found on the street and a dream, faces a very uncertain future.

“I’d love to have a more-positive outlook, but I can’t say for sure what’s going to happen in 2022”, said Herbert Perry, one of the team’s co-owners.  “Without a primary sponsor, a full roster of team members, a functional race shop, a track record of success, a contract to purchase new race cars, or any outside funding, we find ourselves in a very precarious position.”

“I’ve heard a lot about the future of the team, but I’m waiting to hear it directly from one of the fifty-two owners”, said T.B. Dee, the team’s driver for the 2021 season.  “I wish we could’ve done more, I do, but I feel that we really surprised some people out there with our consistency.  We showed up every week, qualified every week, and finished around 35th every week.  Not everybody can say that.”

“We want to give T.B. the kind of race car that can contend for lead-lap finishes, but to do that we need more money”, said Perry.  “We’ve already been pinching pennies around here so much we’re getting copper poisoning.”

“I’m a racer.  That’s what I am”, said Dee.  “If I have to go back to the Southern United Challenger Kings Series (SUCKS) or the Birmingham-Leeds Outlaw World Series (BLOWS), I will.  But I think I’ve proven I belong—I mean, I’ve already renewed my apartment lease here in North Carolina.”

Further information on the status of the team will be released as soon as it is known.

QUOTES: “Have race helmet, will travel.  But not too far, my daily driver has a real bad alignment.” —T.B. Dee, driver of the 52 Pickup Racing race car.

“If you bet on the 52 car to finish below 30th every weekend, you’re likely a wealthy man.  Heck, you could probably buy the team by now.” —Davy Hendricks, racing analyst, Sports Betting Daily

ABOUT 52 PICKUP RACING: 52 Pickup Racing is NASCAR Cup’s newest race team.  Based out of Boogertown North Carolina, the team employs up-and-coming driver T.B. Dee…but for how long?

For more information please visit the 52 Pickup Racing website at

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