
Quin Houff Disappointed Spell Check Still Autocorrects his Name

With a second-straight disappointing season nearly over and an uncertain future in the Cup Series ahead, Quin Houff isn’t focusing on the negatives ON the track.  Instead, he’s voicing his annoyance that his name keeps being autocorrected incorrectly whenever he types it.

“I’ve had this phone for almost a year”, Quit said, “and it keeps changing my own name.  What the heck, Silicon Valley?  I mean, I know I have an odd name, but after a while you’d think it would realize that my last name has an ‘o’ in it.”

Huff, currently driving for the StarCom Racing team, opined that perhaps the difficulty of typing out his name could be causing him issues with his current driving situation.

“We’re all disappointed that StarCom is probably shutting down after this year”, Quinn said, “but its pretty bad when you wonder if Rick Ware Racing isn’t sending you a contract because it keeps changing from Houf to Hough to Hoof.  I mean, its just embarrassing, is all.”

Hoff currently sits 32nd in points and, with StarCom having sold its Charter for next season, is unlikely to have a full-time ride in 2022.  However, he remains focused on both the positive and the irritating.

“I’ve accomplished everything I wanted to in Cup competition—I competed, it was Cup, everything.” said Half.  “Whatever next year holds, I’ll be ready for it.  But there’s one thing I can be sure of—at least one press release will have my first name as ‘Quip’”.

StarCom team manager Derrike Cope then chimed in to remind everyone that his first name has a second e, but not a c.