
Spade Racing Opens a Box of 2021 Donruss Nascar Cards, Pack 15 and 16 of 24+

Join us (well, me) as we/I go through a box of 2021 Donruss Nascar Cards, pack-by-pack, week-by-week.

Pack 15—Smoke, a Deadline Cloak, and Justin Going Broke? 

FIRST LOOK: Tony Stewart, in all his glory.  You gotta give the guy credit—he overcame some self-inflicted issues to live his best life and become quite wealthy in the process.  Now if he could just get Clint Bowyer to quit prank calling him at the shop…

TO THE BACK: Yet again we see that the end of the first round of the Cup Playoffs must’ve been the printing deadline for this set of cards.  For all we know Austin Dillon finished in last place the next seven races while insulting puppies to their faces.

SAY WHAT: “Where’s my—where’s my wallet!”

RATING: 8 road course turns out of 10

Pack 16—A Bowling Ball, Going Small, and A Race Team’s Fall

FIRST LOOK: Where to begin here?  1.) Why does Mike Harmon look like he’s disguised as Mike Harmon?  2.) Is he wearing Missy Elliott’s inflatable suit from “Supa Dupa Fly”?  3.) Who the HECK wants a Mike Harmon card besides Mike Harmon?

TO THE BACK: A Nascar driver going go-karting is a little like an MLB baseball player staying fresh by playing in a PONY league game.

SAY WHAT: “Yes, the team is no more.  Boy, am I sad.  Yeah, what a shame.  What ever shall I do.  Thanks for your condolences, Erik.  *snicker*”

RATING: 1 gallon of fuel out of 10