
Spade Racing Opens a Box of 2021 Donruss Nascar Cards, Pack 1 and 2 of 24+

Join us (well, me) as we/I go through a box of 2021 Donruss Nascar Cards, pack-by-pack, week-by-week. 

Pack 1—Weatherman, New Jersian, and a SCUBA fan

FIRST LOOK: The first pack has the first special insert—an autographed Kyle Weatherman card!  Fun fact—in high school I wanted to be a weatherman but had to give it up.  Oh, there were plenty of reasons—politics, money, the fact that I sucked at math—the usual.

TO THE BACK: A major issue with the printing and distribution process is that information has to be solidified before the end of the season (with the exception of the champion, who gets on the packs and packaging).  So its kinda like when you would tape a movie on a VHS and the last fifteen minutes were missing—did Harry ever get back to the forest, or did he stay with the Hendersons?

SAY WHAT: “Oh lord, here comes Michael Waltrip.  Yes, I’ve dove into Lake Lloyd.  Yes, it was interesting.  Yes, I’m the only SCUBA-licensed driver in Nascar.  Can we move onto something ELSE, Mikey?”

RATING: 8 green flags out of 10

Pack 2—Monster, Farmer, and Port Tobacco Marylander

FIRST LOOK: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—the cooler a card looks, typically the worse it looks in pictures.  Then again my photography skills can best be described as “great at taking closeups of my thumb”.

TO THE BACK: Ross says he’s “…there to race”.  Well that’s good to know.  It would be unfortunate if he turned up to, say, Darlington and said he was there to bake cookies or perform elective surgery.

SAY WHAT: “If I ever run into that guy from Spade Racing, me and all 12 other townspeople of Port Tobacco are going to beat the wrestling references out of him.”

RATING: 3 contingency sponsors out of 10