
T.B. Dee Wins “Race Within the Race” for 52 Pickup Racing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Boogertown, North Carolina)

Its been a long learning experience for T.B. Dee, NASCAR Cup Series rookie for brand new 52 Pickup Racing.  However, there have been some highlights, difficult to spot as they are, such as winning ‘The Race Within the Race’.

“We look for small victories, and winning ‘The Race Within the Race’ is definitely one of them”, Dee said after the most recent Cup race, where he finished 35th.  “For instance, from lap 38-45, we were the fourteenth fastest car on-track.  That’s really something to feel good about.”

“We’re pleased with what we’ve seen so far”, said Charley O’Leary, one of the fifty-two co-owners of 52 Pickup Racing.  “Like a few races ago where we managed to match lap times with teams like Joe Gibbs Racing and Team Penske.  Granted, it was under caution, but it proves we can compete under the right circumstances.”

Dee was quick to point out that despite such small victories, he will not rest of his laurels.

“Going forward, we hope to win even more ‘Races Within the Races’, like being fastest off pit road without a penalty, or even being the first to unload our pit box for the weekend.”, Dee said.  “If you look close enough, you can see that we’re at or better than where we were last year.  Sure, we didn’t run last year, but that’s still a good baseline.”

QUOTES: “Racing’s all about the little battles you have to win to get to the track, like having exact change for the toll booth or finding a 2 for $2 burger deal.” —T.B. Dee, driver of the 52 Pickup Racing Monday Cigarettes race car.

“We might not win every ‘Race Within the Race’, but we can at least finish on the lead lap…of the ‘Race Within the Race’, that is.” —Charley O’Leary, co-owner of 52 Pickup Racing.

ABOUT 52 PICKUP RACING: 52 Pickup Racing is NASCAR Cup’s newest race team.  Based out of Boogertown North Carolina, the team employs up-and-coming driver T.B. Dee and is taking applications for a new shop cat to scare off mice, entertain visitors, and do some light typing.

For more information please visit the 52 Pickup Racing website at

For all media inquiries please contact Moxoc Media at moxoc(at)

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