
52 Pickup Racing Driver T.B. Interviewed by Local Newspaper

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Boogertown, North Carolina)

The following are excepts from an interview performed by Steve Voigt of the Boogertown Bugle newspaper.

Steve Voight, reporter: “Thanks for taking the time to sit down with me today.  So what exactly do you do?”

T.B. Dee, driver: “Well, I drive the race car.  Of course there’s lots more to the job than just that—there’s testing, sponsorship obligations, putting up ‘No Trespassing’ signs on our race shop—but driving is really what I do”

SV: “OK, but what do you REALLY do?”

TBD: “Um, I just said, I’m a driver.  I drive the race car.”

SV: “Uh-huh, and that’s your job?”

TBD: “Yes, that’s what I’ve done since I was a little kid.”

SV: “You’ve done what since you were a little kid.”

TBD: “I said I drive race cars.  I can’t really put it any plainer than that.”

SV: “And what do you do NOW?”

TBD: “I. DRIVE. RACE CARS.  I did it then, I do it now, I hope I’ll be doing it for years to come.”

SV: “Oh don’t we all.  Now what do you see yourself doing in, say, a few weeks.”

TBD: “Is this a joke?  I drive race cars!  I do it then, now, in the future I hope.  Why do you keep asking me this?”

SV: “Asking you what?”

TBD: “What I do for a living?!?”

SV: “And what is that?”

TBD: “That’s it—unless you can help me pave the parking lot, get out!”

QUOTES: “T.B. Dee seems like a nice enough guy, I just wish I knew what he did.” —Steve Voigt, Boogertown Bugle.

“Get back here Voigt—we need someone else to mix the asphalt” —Bob Habenicht, co-owner of 52 Pickup Racing.

ABOUT 52 PICKUP RACING: 52 Pickup Racing is NASCAR Cup’s newest race team.  Based out of Boogertown North Carolina, the team employs up-and-coming driver T.B. Dee and is asking all employees park on the street until the hot mix has cured and been sealcoated.

For more information please visit the 52 Pickup Racing website at

For all media inquiries please contact Moxoc Media at moxoc(at)

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