
New Race Team Established After Charter Found on Sidewalk

A consortium of businessmen, racing executives, and investors have announced the formation of a new Nascar Cup Series team for 2021, having acquired a Cup Series Charter after finding it on a Charlotte sidewalk earlier this week.

“This is a great day for racing”, said team principal Miles Krieger, one of the more than four-dozen team investors.  “Its not every day that you get the opportunity to start a brand-new race team, and its not everyday that you can do it because you just happened to find a valuable Nascar Cup Series Charter lying on the sidewalk on your way to get lunch.  But here we are.”

The group unveiled their team name today—“52 Pickup Racing”—after the number of total investors in the team.

“The 52 of us had a singular vision—to take my skull-reading service, Phrenology Associates—to the masses”, said team majority owner Gunther Hoffberger, “but once this opportunity came along, we couldn’t say no to it.”

The team has said that its car, paint scheme, sponsors, crew chief, team headquarters, and driver will be unveiled at a later date.

“We’re looking to have everything wrapped up by the end of 2020 so we can get a jump start on 2021”, said Krieger.  “With the upcoming rule changes coming into effect for 2022, we think the time is right to enter the sport at a bargain price—heck, you should see some of the deals for 2020 race cars on Craigslist!”

The previous owner of the found Charter has not been revealed, nor has their motives at letting said Charter lapse due to dropping it on a busy walkway.  However, the new team has said they won’t be taking anything for granted.

“There’s a lot of work involved”, Hoffberger said, “and between the 52 of us we’ll be working hard to find a competition director who we can blame for any shortcomings in the future.  On the plus side, any Charter that’s NOT in the hands of Rick Ware is probably a good thing for the sport.”