
Mike Joy Fitted with Shock Collar to Prevent Overuse of Bowyer vs. Gordon Fight

While the 2020 Nascar season has ended, work has already started on 2021 by teams, drivers, and media outlets.  To that end, Nascar on Fox broadcaster Mike Joy was recently fitted with a shock collar in order to avoid bringing up the Phoenix brawl between Jeff Gordon and new broadcast partner Clint Bowyer.

“Its never to early to start planning for the upcoming season”, Joy said while the electronic collar was being adjusted to fit snugly around his neck.  “Its far too easy to just bring up the…well, lets say ‘dramatic unpleasantness’ that happened that day at Phoenix.  So to prevent myself from overdoing it, this electronic collar should do the trick.”

Nascar on Fox producers, showing a remarkable amount of restraint, encouraged the fitting for Joy.

“Hammering home a single point over and over again every single week worked in the past, but we’re going in a different direction”, said Sidney Kingsale, a line producer for Fox’s Nascar Cup coverage.  “Speaking of hammers, we have an intern traveling with us who’ll smash Jeff (Gordon)’s hand if he goes on too much about the greatness of Hendrick Motorsports.”

Joy, a longtime broadcaster renowned for his expert delivery, seemed to be aware of recent criticism of Nascar broadcasts.

“Let’s be honest—not every race is going to be a barn-burner”, Joy said.  “But filling time with the same four storylines every week?  That’s TNT-level bad.  So there’ll be no need whatsoever to discuss the…incident in question that happened at…that track in the desert a few years back.”

Joy’s newest broadcast partner, Clint Bowyer, seemed pleased with the shock collar during a recent test run at Fox’s Charlotte-area studios.

“Hey, Mike, I gotta say, that thing looks pretty decent on you there”, Bowyer said.  “But what’s it for?”

“Oh, its so I don’t discuss that fight you and Jeff had at Pho—GAAAAA!” Joy said before falling to the ground, a loud buzzing sound heard in the studio as Bowyer laughed uproariously.