
Spade Racing Shopping Network--Digger’s Skeleton

An offseason journey through the best buys, premiere products, and special specials for Nascar fans.

Collectables.  They’ve been around as far back as when Dale Earnhardt Sr. partnered with a former mechanical rodeo salesman to market his image.  But anyone can get a diecast car, a piece of sheetmetal, or an autograph.  The discerning collector wants something more.

And here we have it—the preserved remains of beloved—well, tolerated—Nascar on Fox mascot Digger.  That’s right—the living model of the ingratiating—well, irritating—cartoon character, an almost mint-condition skeleton of the groundhog.

Rescued from the wilds of North Carolina, Digger (real name Diggington Foxworth) spent countless hours in mo-cap suits, allowing Fox Sports to render him to appeal to the slowest of its fanbase.  And now, after his recent death due to particle board poisoning, you can own the Digger skeleton for your very own with this exclusive offer.

Please note that SRSN is not responsible for any communicable diseases transmitted from Digger’s bones and/or carcass.  Display case and pedestal not included.

NEXT TIME ON SRSN: An evening with Kenny Wallace