
Spade Racing Picks: Uncle Max vs. Mystery Picker—Kansas

Fantasy Football?  Doing great—leading my division after a less-than-stellar start.
Baseball?  Got a nice bet on the Nationals to win it all.
Work?  Gearing up for the holiday with a rare late-October vacation in the offing.
Nascar?  Sure, I haven’t had a win for longer than I’d like, but I’m closer than ever to clinching a second-straight win over Mystery Picker!  And then the identity will be revealed to all!
(Editor’s Note: Due to contractual obligations, Mystery Picker will not be revealed until the final weekend of the season at Homestead).

CUP SERIES Hollywood Casino 400: Mystery Picker (1 win) picks Ryan Newman.  Favorite (4 wins): Kyle Busch—best way to avoid Martinsville and Phoenix drama?  Win at Kansas.  Next Favorite (3 wins): Kevin Harvick—will they celebrate with some slightly-aged Harvick Beer?  Dark Horse: Jimmie Johnson—still makes more sense than Mystery’s pick.

XFINITY SERIES Kansas Lottery 300 (7 wins): Christopher Bell—in which the “Big Three” stake their claim to the championship by all finishing in the top five.