
Alex Bowman Still Thinking of Comeback for Bubba Wallace

Weeks after being splashed in the face on pit road, Alex Bowman confirmed that he is still thinking of a proper comeback for the assailant, Bubba Wallace.
“Splashing water in someone’s face, that’s a pretty big sign of disrespect”, Bowman said in an interview from Talladega.  “So its something I’ve been mulling over ever since.  I don’t want to go off half-cocked and say something dumb like ‘I’m rubber and you’re glue’ or ‘yer mom’”.
Bowman said he’s thinking of a number of ways, but is concentrating on a verbal taunt.
“I was thinking I sneak up behind him when he’s being interviewed and shake his hand, real friendly like”, Bowman said, looking thoughtful.  “Then, I say, ‘You got the splash, but I’ll get the crash.’  Only problem is it kinda sounds like I’m going to wreck myself, so I have to work on that one.”
Bowman has also considered more unorthodox methods of revenge.
“Maybe I sign him up for a bunch of calling lists so he’s getting bugged day and night by people wanting to sell him new windows”, Bowman said.  “Or here’s something I was thinking about this morning—I plant some kudzu in his yard so he’ll have to deal with that weed for the rest of the time he owns his house.  Then again, I’m guessing he has someone do his landscaping work, so scratch that one.”
The original incident—one that Wallace said was prompted by weeks of rough driving—has seen a renewed focus on Wallace, including a recent interview on “The Dale Jr. Download”.  Bowman, however, has received far less attention.
“I’m OK with sort of fading into the background”, Bowman said.  “If the price I pay for biding my time until I have a foolproof retort is a lack of focus on my race team, that’s fine.”
“By the way”, Bowman added, “we still don’t have a primary sponsor for next year.  I can’t figure out why.”