
Opening a Sealed Box of 2019 Donruss Racing Cards PACK 17

Recently I got a sealed box of 2019 Donruss Racing Cards—24 packs, 8 cards per pack.  Join me as I go through the entire case, pack-by-pack, to see what awaited me. (Click any picture to enlarge)

PACK 17 OF 24: Jamie Mac, Action Pack’, and No Looking Back

OVERVIEW: No legends to speak of in this pack—no real “future stars” either, as we focus almost exclusively on the here and now.  Well, and the recent past with Dale Jr. and Danica.

SPECIAL SPECIAL: Austin Dillon’s Action Packed card compares his Dow paint scheme to a meteor.  Considering how meteors can, y’know, destroy things when they crash, this might be an unintentional portent of the future of RCR.

IN FOCUS: This is a good time to mention how cool the vintage Donruss look is with simple cards like this one—especially when the driver is wearing blue to match with the border.

SPOTLIGHT: The back of Danica’s “Press Proof” (one of only 49!) explains how she’s only known by her first name.  I’m guessing it has less to do with her on-track success and more to do with the fact that nobody named Danica has ever had as much time in the public eye (sorry, Winnie Cooper).

SCORE: 2 Charters out of 10